Wild Gems

This is a collection of all the wild gems I’ve collected as I wander round Essex (and occasionally beyond).

I add to this page about once a month, so hopefully there will be something new to inspire you.

More details can be found in the relevant blog post.

Viper's-bugloss, RSPB Snettisham

Hawthorn, RSPB Snettisham

Blackthorn, EWT Abberton Reservoir

Eurasian blue tit, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Hazel, EWT Abberton Reservoir

Teasel, EWT Abberton Reservoir

Red deadnettle, River Chelmer

Common comfrey, Oxford Botanic Garden

Japanese Iris, Oxford Botanic Garden

Pheasant, RSPB Snettisham

Egyptian geese, EWT Chigborough

Gorse, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Great mullein, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Great reedmace, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Heron, River Chelmer

Lesser celandine, River Chelmer

Forage comfrey, Oxford Botanic Garden

Spurge, Oxford Botanic Garden

House sparrow, EWT Chigborough Lakes

Dunlins at low tide, Maldon

Curlew fishing for lunch, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Goldeneyes, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Seaweed on the salt marshes, EWT Fingringhoe Wick

Ducks, River Chelmer

Ground ivy, River Chelmer

Pasqueflower, Oxford Botanic Garden

Spotted deadnettle, Oxford Botanic Garden